A component of Burke-Divide Electric Cooperative's Operations and Maintenance Plan includes periodic inspection of the distribution and transmission poles installed within our system.
Most utility poles are made of wood and their constant exposure to the environment takes a toll. Wind, moisture, and soil conditions all can distress or decay wood. Regular pole inspection helps to spot and take care of any problems before they become critical situations.
Testers inspect the pole making sure that there are no broken grounds, insulators, lightning damage, or decay. The pole testers also take note of potential hazards such as staples, nails, and tacks used to hang signs, as well as signs themselves. These items can pose a danger to Burke-Divide Electric Cooperative's line workers. The testing process only takes a few minutes per pole and does not affect your electric service.
EXO Wood Services Division, a pole testing contractor, will be testing utility poles in the central part of our service area between Divide County Road 17 and ND Highway 40 beginning June 2. EXO employees will be in pick-ups and ATVs along the roads and also on foot. Please be aware of these workers and drive carefully. This process is expected to take several weeks.
Please contact our office at 1-800-472-2983 with any questions.
Pole Inspection Map
(Pole testing in Townships in red.)