A home energy assessment can help stop wasted energy, too. Little bits of energy waste add up, so make sure all the systems in your home are working at peak efficiency:

  • Set your water heater temperature at 120 degrees, which is hot enough for comfortable showers without wasting energy.
  • Energy-efficient LED lighting uses less energy and lasts longer than conventional incandescent bulbs.
  • Use a programmable thermostat to set home temperatures forward or back while you’re asleep or away to save up to 10% on your heating and cooling costs.
  • Electronics continue to use energy even when they’re fully charged or turned off. Use advanced power strips to stop these vampire loads from feasting on your electricity.
  • Seal cracks and gaps around your home with caulk or expanding foam. This acts as a windbreaker for your home, helping the insulation work up to its full potential.
  • Ductwork exposed in unconditioned spaces, like attics, should also be air-sealed and insulated. This will keep you from heating and cooling the great outdoors.